3 Jun 2014

Do Hedge Funds Hedge?

…things that we can: stocks, bonds and all of the hybrids in between. Hedge funds can use more techniques like short-selling, leverage, derivatives and they can be heavily concentrated. None…

28 Jul 2014

Money Market Reform

…funds called the Primary Fund that ‘broke the buck’ after Lehman Brothers went bankrupt. In this case, the Primary Fund was holding commercial paper issued by Lehman Brothers and when…

22 May 2014

Bank Loan Risks

Interest rates are low and many investors are worried about rising rates, which can hurt bond prices. As always, Wall Street has rushed to the aid of investors by creating…

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16 Jan 2014

Morningstar’s Manager of the Year

…Partners, Fidelity Contrafund, Royce Special Equity Investments, Fairhomle fund and found basically the same results to varying degrees. I will say that this is a casual look on my part….

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