14 May 2014

Dogs of the Dow

…only has 30 companies and has a peculiar construction method where companies with high prices (like Visa at ~$210 per share) have a much greater weight in the index that…

14 May 2015

Another Wall Street Soap Opera

…their complex structure that would cut costs and bureaucracy which would both cut expenses and boost sales, and unlock real shareholder value. He launched a proxy battle in October requesting…

29 Jul 2015

When the Index is Wrong

…index fund to earn the index returns minus the cost of the index fund. If an index fund charges 0.1 percent annually and an index earns 10 percent, you should…

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21 Apr 2020

Oil Gets Weird

…of May expires on Tuesday, As demand slowed down, oil supplies at refineries, storage facilities, pipelines, and ocean tankers started to build since 100 million barrels a day are still…

26 Mar 2015

It’s Tax Time (for Suckers)

compute their own taxes – the federal government doesn’t send you a bill, like your local assessor does with property taxes. Instead, you and your accountant calculate and substantiate your…

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