10 Jan 2014

Are You Liquid?

…go hand in hand, there should be a higher return to compensate for the additional risk. Some reasons that make small companies fundamentally riskier than large companies are that they…

17 Apr 2014

PIMCOs Star System Goes Awry

…billion in assets under management. The fund is still enormous and is at levels about like 2011, but the combination of poor performance, asset outflow and trouble at the top…

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10 Mar 2016

King of Wall Street Remembered

…back to haunt both Gutfreund and Meriwether in the following years. Gutfreund’s aggressive traders cornered segments of the Treasury bond market by illegally rigging the Treasury’s regular bond auctions. Gutfreund

29 Dec 2014

Beating the Index

…– where a simple index fund beat more than three-quarters of its close competitors. And in no year did it under perform by this kind of margin. The results are…

14 Jul 2014

Penny Stock Scams

…the fund. And while the companies are small, they’re often good-sized businesses. The average market capitalization is $785 million and some of the larger holdings include brand name businesses as…