When it’s time to plan for the next phase of your life, the Acropolis team is here to help successfully transition your business.
We know that business owners define themselves in part by their business because of the enormous amount of time and energy they spent making it a success.
For those planning to move into the next phase of their life, the transition will be one of the most significant financial events they encounter. This transition also has dramatic non-financial effects. Not only will daily routines be impacted, but the way these now former-business owners identify themselves will change.
The Acropolis Business Liquidity for Entrepreneurs (ABLE) Program for Transitioning
The Acropolis Business Liquidity for Entrepreneurs (ABLE) program keeps you in control of the changes and opportunities that come with a transition.
Business transition planning (also known as exit planning) is a process that allows business owners to maintain control over when, how, and to whom the business is transitioned.
Exit planning with your Acropolis team ensures that informed, strategic, and rational decisions are made. It’s important to know that this process doesn’t happen overnight. It can sometimes take five or more years to properly plan for a successful transition. Events such as estate planning, training a successor, annual audits, or environmental cleanup must be considered as part of the exit strategy. We want to ensure that your business is transitionalABLE.
Business Transition Planning Team
Our experienced and dedicated transition professionals will make sure you come out on top.
At Acropolis, we recognize that it takes a team of experts from various professions to guide your illiquid asset into a portfolio of securities that can support a family for the rest of their lives. We will not only work with your existing advisors, we will incorporate our network of specialists, where appropriate, to lend their deep expertise in the required fields.