6 Jan 2015

A Great Year for Bond Investors

…rose and bond prices fell in 2013, so it was all too easy to say that the trend would continue into 2014. Instead, interest rates fell and bond prices rose,…

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17 Feb 2015

Fun With Discount Rates

…future cash flows or implied discount rate. The authors of the Credit Suisse article use present values and estimates of cash flow to determine a discount rate, which is interesting…

22 Apr 2015

A Real Greek Tragedy

…it wouldn’t be a surprise to see troubles in other developed periphery countries like Spain and Italy or in emerging markets overall. Given that stock market valuations in the US…

5 Jun 2015

Interest Rates Rising

Long-term interest rates have moved up swiftly in recent weeks. On April 20th, the 10-year German government bond had a yield of 0.06 percent. Around that time, I couldn’t stop…

6 Jul 2015

Greece to Creditors: Heck NO

…of the European Central Bank (ECB), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European Commission, the executive body of the European Union. The ‘no-vote’ is a remarkable political win for…