2 Jun 2014

Terms of Use

…Entities’ Direct Control), 14 (Use of Proprietary Information), 15 (Access, Passwords, and Security), 17 (Indemnification), and 19 (General). Acceptable Use Policy 1. General. For purposes of this Acceptable Use Policy…

24 Nov 2014

Why Invest in Commodities?

…characteristics are so lousy (stock-like volatility for bond-like returns) that it doesn’t matter to the whole portfolio. To test this, I created a 60/40 stock/bond portfolio and a 55/35/10 stock/bond/commodity…

24 Jul 2014

Taxes Sure Take a Bite

…and picked 1953 out of a hat, just to see what the brackets looked like. Kindly, the website, www.taxfoundation.org, offers the data in nominal and inflation-adjusted terms, so I didn’t…

14 Jul 2014

Penny Stock Scams

…Wall Street Journal article, generally don’t meet these requirements and therefore trade in the over-the-counter (OTC) market or bulletin board (OTCBB) market (often called the pink sheets), where there are…

6 Apr 2015

A Test Too Tough

…results, I’ve always shown the results over an entire period and the data is pretty compelling against active management. I don’t think it’s necessary, or even appropriate, though, to think…