5 Jan 2015

Economic Growth: Past, Present and Future

…temporary phenomenon or a permanent condition. Of course, in this case ‘temporary’ is measured in years and ‘permanent’ isn’t really forever, but measured in decades. Unfortunately, I don’t have any…

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10 Feb 2015

The Wrong Kind of Diversification

…ratio, price-to-book, the dividend yield, etc. They determine what stocks are growth stocks based on long-term projected earnings growth, sales growth, cash flow growth, etc. The details of their scoring…

22 May 2014


…Sponsored Retirement Plans (i.e., 401(k) plans). Each of these investor types wants to maximize returns while minimizing risks, but each requires a slightly different discipline. Private Clients Private clients are…

28 Jul 2014

Money Market Reform

…release here.) This only applies to institutional investors though, so called ‘prime’ money market funds; it doesn’t apply to retail-oriented money market funds like those offered by Schwab, Vanguard or…

12 Jan 2016

Earnings Season is Upon Us

…with growth prospects for US companies. Last night, earnings season unofficially kicked off with a better-than-expected report from Alcoa, the aluminum maker. According to FactSet, earnings are estimated to decline…

22 Dec 2015

Treasury Bills Beat Oil 30 Years On

16.86 percent for the S&P 500 during the same period, which include the tech bubble/burst and the 2008 financial crisis. That’s right, oil was 50 percent more volatile than stocks,…

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