27 Aug 2015

Are Stocks Cheap Now?

…PE ratio is higher (20 vs. 17.5), which also affects the Shiller PE band. During this time period, you still see that stocks were deeply undervalued in the 1970s, the…

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4 Nov 2014

The Perils of Non-Traded REITs

…talk about non-traded REITs. We like and use REITs (click here for more), but haven’t bought non-traded REITs. Traded or non-traded, REITs are simply companies that own commercial real estate…

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22 May 2014

Mission & Values

…transparency, we present a collaborative, personalized approach to investment management. We value honesty and personal relationships. When Acropolis was formed, any business structure could have been established. We chose to…

23 Feb 2016

Time and Transparency

…of his “inventions”, which is still around today, was to create the money-back guarantee, which has also become pretty universal. Thanks John, you set the standard for honesty and transparency….

22 May 2014

Bank Loan Risks

…all but 5.8 percent of the fund is non-investment grade (also called ‘high yield’ in polite company and ‘junk’ among sailors), as indicated in orange. About five percent of the…

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