22 Jul 2024

China vs. India

I saw a chart last week that caught my attention, and I recreated it below. It shows the market capitalization weight of Chinese and Indian stocks. Finding historical weights is a little challenging, so my chart shows the year-end weight of the two countries, except in 2024, where I show the market weight as of June 30th, 2024. The picture makes it appear that the last half-year is a complete… Read More

15 Jul 2024

Tech vs. the World

Last week, Minjung Son sent the Investment Committee some information showing that the total market value of all emerging market stocks was about $10 trillion. Ryan Craft chuckled and said that was about equal to the three largest stocks in the US. Although I’ve written about how concentrated the US market is and how emerging markets haven’t done all that well in recent years, I was amazed that three stocks… Read More

1 Jul 2024

Want NVDA? You’ve already got it

I was having breakfast the other day, and someone said they missed not having the 3,000 percent gain on Nvidia (NVDA) over the past five years. Of course, I agreed, but then I returned to the office thinking that the return couldn’t have been that high. In fact, over the five years ending on June 28th, the cumulative return for NVDA was 2,926 percent, so I’ll give that to them…. Read More

17 Jun 2024

Is the S&P 500 a Growth Index?

In addition to working with private clients, Acropolis has an incredible team of professionals who manage retirement plans, principally 401k plans (click here for more information). I meet with some of the retirement plan trustees to discuss the plan’s investments. When we manage a plan, we want enough choices so participants can build a diversified portfolio but not so many choices that they are overwhelmed by the options and don’t… Read More

10 Jun 2024

Stocks Look Cheap!

Since the beginning of 2023, the S&P 500 index has grown a staggering 40% through the end of May. While some of this performance has been driven by earnings growth, a lot of it has been good old-fashioned speculation as prices have outrun earnings. This is evident when looking at prices through the lens of company fundamentals. Consider the price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio. This ratio shows the value investors pay for… Read More

20 May 2024

Dow Jones Rocks 40,000

When I entered the investment industry upon graduating from college in 1995, the market was hitting all-new highs. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), which everyone seemed to pay attention to, had just broken through 4,000 and would hit 5,000 by the end of the year. When the DJIA crossed 10,000 for the first time in 1999, there were tons of photos of traders on the floor of the NYSE… Read More

6 May 2024

The Best Industries to Invest

I was listening to a finance-related podcast last week (as one does), and they said they thought that the best-performing industries in the US were beer and tobacco. The podcasters chuckled because they pointed out that market returns reflect what society wants, and companies respond by providing those goods and services. Beer and smokes – that’s what America has valued the most, as the story went. I thought it was… Read More

29 Apr 2024

Concentrated Risks Rising

We’ve all heard that the S&P 500 is more concentrated than it has been in decades. Indeed, the top 10 holdings in the S&P 500 now account for a whopping 33.8 percent of the index. That’s right, ten of the 500 stocks in the index equal more than one-third of the value of the index. I’m a fan of global diversification, but it’s been a frustrating decade, given how well… Read More

15 Apr 2024

Why Are Markets Unhappy Right Now?

As noted above, the March Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation data exceeded expectations. The year-over-year headline rate was expected to be 3.4 percent but was actually 3.5 percent. The core rate, which excludes food and energy, was expected to be 3.7 percent but was 3.8 percent. Those might not sound like big misses at one-tenth of one percent, but the chart below helps tell the story. The chart shows the… Read More

25 Mar 2024

Stocks are Expensive Again

I am as happy about the strong market rally as the next guy. Still, I was caught off guard when I saw that the S&P 500 is up 25 percent per year since the bottom around the pandemic. Of course, the Financial Times journalist said that they picked an unfair start date since stocks were down about a third at that point. But still, even if we pick a neutral… Read More