1 Jun 2015

ETF Deathwatch

…cut-throat competition, the suppliers are a duopoly (Airbus and Boeing), extreme regulatory regime and have volatile input costs in the form of volatile oil. I’m sure that the backtest for

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21 Jan 2015

Are New Taxes Coming?

…stands today would cost the government $23.6 million in taxes (the $99 million gain times 23.8 percent in federal long-term capital gains tax). That may be true, but the government…

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22 Sep 2014

Alibaba vs. Amazon

…tech companies like eBay ($50.6 billion), Yahoo ($40.7 billion), Amazon ($153.1 billion) and Facebook ($202.6 billion). I am frequently asked two questions about Alibaba. First, what is it? Alibaba, through

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11 Sep 2015

Debt Ceiling, Here We Come (Again)

…32.39 percent respectively. If you’re like me, it’s possible that you forgot the whole thing even though I followed it very closely at the time. More importantly, though, I just…

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26 Feb 2014

Ukrainian Unrest

…to developed and emerging markets. Developed markets include countries like Japan, the UK, German, France, etc. Emerging markets are countries like China, Taiwan, Brazil, India, etc. These definitions are a…