3 Mar 2015

NASDAQ: Party Like It’s 1999

…it looks like the bubble is back, but really, we’re nowhere near the peak valuations of the late 1990s. At the high (using annual data), the price-to-book ratio for the…

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5 Sep 2014

Why We Avoid Junk Bonds

…the bonds decreased, the returns increased, as did the volatility, albeit marginally (except for from A to BBB, but that’s probably a statistical anomaly. In any case, the risk-return ratio…

23 Sep 2014

When Academics Go Bananas

…I don’t have access to Platinum Grove’s actual performance record, it’s hard to draw meaningful conclusions. The point, though, is to simply say that being a brilliant academic isn’t enough….

26 Sep 2014

Canaries in a Coal Mine: Stocks Sell Off

…the substantial gains, volatility for the S&P 500 has been uncharacteristically low. Naturally, I’m appreciative that we’ve all been able to enjoy a straight-up market, but I’m also realistic and…

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8 Oct 2014

The Outlook for Inflation

…of the principal is adjusted upwards by two percent to $1,020. Because the principal is now higher, the five percent coupon is higher: $1,020 * 5% = $51. At the…