26 Jan 2016

Drawdowns Help Visualize Losses

Until I read the book ‘Hedge Hogging’ by Barton Biggs before the 2008 financial crisis, I had never heard the term ‘drawdown,’ which refers to the peak-to-trough decline of an investment or market. A drawdown measures the depth and length of a decline and illustrates how long it takes to earn back money lost from the last peak. It’s a commonly used term in the hedge fund community, partly because… Read More

22 Jan 2016

Stock Losses Take a Breather

Yesterday at lunch, when stocks were down more than three percent, I was reading market analysis and one analyst said that investors were disappointed by the ‘lack of policy response.’ That really struck me because markets were off sharply and it hadn’t occurred to me that the Federal Reserve hadn’t said anything material this year that might shore up stocks. Although we are steeped in losses very early in the… Read More

21 Jan 2016

Stocks Post Amazing Late Day Rally

It’s going to be a short Daily Insights today because I went to an event last night featuring nationally known financial analyst James Grant of Grant’s Interest Rate Observer and Chris Varvares of St. Louis based Macro Economic Advisors. Mostly, I just have a snapshot of the intraday trading for the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA).  Although the S&P 500 is still my favorite measure for how stocks fared, I… Read More

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20 Jan 2016

Stock Prices are Lower. Are They Cheap?

Yesterday, Mike Lissner came over to my desk and asked what the Price Earnings-ratio (PE-ratio) was for the S&P 500.  I leaned over to my handy-dandy Bloomberg terminal, and looked it up and told him that it was 16.8. He then asked what the average was and moving to a different screen, I showed him that the average PE-ratio for the S&P 500 since 1954 was 16.4 and the median… Read More

19 Jan 2016

Does the Stock Market Selloff Make Sense?

Years ago, I read a book by highly regarded hedge fund manager Joel Greenblatt, where he explains why he thinks that markets aren’t efficient. As I recall it, he asks his students to pick out a handful of their favorite stocks and then tells them to look up the 52-week high and low for the stocks and record those prices.  Then, in class, they report those numbers to each other. For… Read More

15 Jan 2016

Portfolio Insights

We are pleased to provide a digital copy of Portfolio Insights, our quarterly newsletter. Table of Contents: Stock Market Summary Bond Market Review The Fed Awakens Volatility Strikes Back Click here to read the issue:  2015 Q4 Portfolio Insights

15 Jan 2016

Insight: Fed’s Backing Down

Comments from central bankers have been dovish in recent days – they seem to be backing down from earlier statements that suggested that the fed funds rate could increase by one percent or more this year. St. Louis Federal Reserve President James Bullard noted that ‘with renewed declines in crude oil prices in recent weeks, the associated decline in market-based inflation expectations measures is becoming worrisome.’ He further said that… Read More

14 Jan 2016

Insight: More Bears are Growling

The widely followed Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) fell -365 points, bringing it perilously close to correction territory, which is generally defined as a decline of -10 percent from the recent peak. The S&P 500 is already in correction territory having not fully recovered from the steep losses last August.  The rally in October offset most of the losses, but a new peak was not reached since last May. While… Read More

13 Jan 2016

Insight: David Bowie, Finance Wizard?

You may or may not be a David Bowie fan, but either way, you’ll probably be surprised by his contribution to finance. In 1997, David Bowie was a wealthy man, but didn’t have enough cash to buy out the other 50 percent co-owner of the songs that he had written. He was buddies with an investment banker who proposed a novel idea: sell bonds using his song library as collateral… Read More

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12 Jan 2016

Earnings Season is Upon Us

The headlines have been filled with major macroeconomic news from China and elsewhere that have pushed stock prices lower. It’s perfectly legitimate to factor this news into stock prices because our collective fortunes are tied together whether we like it or not.  If Chinese gross domestic product falls substantially, you can be sure that ours will drop as well along with growth prospects for US companies. Last night, earnings season… Read More