22 Sep 2014

What if You Called The Bond Market Perfectly?

It’s an interesting question. The ability to call the tops and bottoms with perfect accuracy is considered the “holy grail” of bond market investing. We spend a great deal of effort talking to clients about the risk of trying to make speculative calls – the risk of being wrong of course. Just as an exercise I thought it would be neat to imagine what it would be like if we… Read More

22 Sep 2014

Alibaba vs. Amazon

Alibaba Group Holding (ticker: BABA) went public on Friday at a price of $68 per share, which valued the company at $168 billion, making it one of the 40 largest companies in the world, according to S&P Capital IQ. Once the stock started trading in the open market, however, investors bid the stock higher and it ended the day at almost $94 per share, valuing the company at $231.4 billion…. Read More

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20 Sep 2014

Why Aren’t Interest Rates Higher?

With a lot of focus being put on the coming end to the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing campaign, this article will delve into some of the other factors impacting interest rates in the US. The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) has maintained a steady course ever since Chairman Bernanke first hinted at the end of quantitative easing in the spring of 2013. The “Taper” which is scheduled to complete this… Read More

17 Sep 2014

ALM Insights – September 2014

ALM Insights is focused on banks and other institutions that use their portfolio to manage risk on both sides of their balance sheet. It takes an in-depth look at securities investment strategies, balance sheet and asset/liability strategies, regulatory topics and general economic information. To view this issue, click the image below. In This Issue: What if You Called The Market Perfectly? The Impact of Fed Tightening Why Aren’t Interest Rates Higher?

17 Sep 2014

ETF Deathwatch

Although the first exchange-traded-fund (ETF) hit the market in 1993, they really didn’t catch on until about 10 years ago. The first product ever is still one of the most popular, the Spider S&P 500 ETF Trust, which trades under the ticker SPY. When we launched Acropolis in 2002 there were 113 ETFs on the market with a total of $102 billion in assets under management according to data from… Read More

16 Sep 2014

The Naked Truth About Actively Managed Mutual Funds

Twice per year, Standard & Poor’s issues a report that compares the performance of actively managed mutual funds to corresponding S&P indexes. The most recent report, the S&P Indexes Versus Active, or SPIVA, can be found here. It’s a great report because it provided high quality, continuous evidence in the ongoing debate about active versus passive management. The debate, which has being going on for 30+ years, centers on who… Read More

15 Sep 2014

Where Your Taxes Go

If you pay quarterly taxes, they’re due today! The next payment isn’t until January 15th of next year, but it probably makes sense to start salting away money now so that you’ll have plenty on hand in a few months. If you aren’t sure whether or not you need to pay quarterly taxes, you probably don’t. The quarterly taxes are actually estimated tax payments on income that is not subject… Read More

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12 Sep 2014

Planning on a Long Life with Longevity Insurance

One evening, years ago, I was fiddling around with a life expectancy calculator online and after running the numbers on myself, I decided to run through the program for my wife. Her problem was very different than mine (I’m on borrowed time already). According to this calculator, her life expectancy was 116! It made sense, there is a lot of longevity in her family and she doesn’t chain smoke or… Read More

11 Sep 2014

Avoid This Catastrophic Loss

Every now and then, I come across some research that really drives a point home. Yesterday, I found a terrific study by JP Morgan on what they called catastrophic losses – or what kids today might call ‘epic fails,’ which Urban Dictionary defines as: a complete and total failure when success should have been reasonably easy to attain. In the JP Morgan study, a catastrophic loss is defined as a… Read More

10 Sep 2014

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s Smart Beta

Speaking of hot topics, the investment community is abuzz with a new term: smart beta. The term is gaining increasing popularity and the current edition of Institutional Investor magazine has a lengthy article (and series of ‘sponsored content’ pages) on the topic. Despite the popularity of the phrase in the industry right now (I do think it’s a fad, but I will get to that in a minute), let me… Read More